The Data Driven Newsletter
Harnessing Data to Drive Growth
Volume 11.10.3
October 20, 2023
Reading time: 5 minutes
Hey Reader,
AI is here to stay. But the real needle-moving question is: How do we use AI to get better results than without it?
Econsultancy's 'The Future of Marketing' report has some intriguing insights: 75% of marketers are either diving deep into the Generative AI pool or, at the very least, dipping their toes.
With trailblazers like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 leading the charge, we're potentially looking at a staggering $4.4 trillion addition to the global economy. Yep, that's a lot of zeros.
Now, the real question: Where's the sweet spot?
Content creation and copywriting are where the action's at, with a whopping 90% of marketers leaning that way. But, while AI is a powerful tool, it's not the be-all and end-all.
As we delve deeper into this AI-centric era, let's remember to balance its analytical prowess with our human intuition and creativity. After all, it's the blend of data and insight that truly drives success. Dive in, but always keep an eye on the bigger picture.
Compensation is crucial, but also intricate. When structured well, it fuels growth, loyalty, and low turnover. But make common mistakes like escalating sales targets or misaligned incentives, and turmoil may ensue.
In this episode, Mercer and I shared hard-learned lessons on crafting compensation plans that motivate and retain our employees.
They peel back the layers of sales compensation nuances from base pay to quotas and commissions. They also discuss balancing growth with sustainable frameworks and using incremental adjustments.
Non-monetary motivators matter too. The key is understanding what incentivizes each team member and then tailor plans accordingly. Role-based structures outperform individual-based ones. With so many pitfalls, listen to our insights in this podcast episode to help get compensation right.
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) has rolled out a new feature: Data Redaction.
This tool is designed to prioritize user privacy by redacting email addresses and specific URL query parameters before they're collected, ensuring a cleaner and more compliant data collection process.
Here's what you need to know:
For those setting up new properties, you'll find this feature enabled by default. For our long-time GA4 users with existing properties, a simple configuration will get you on board.
While Data Redaction is a robust tool in our privacy toolkit, the overarching responsibility of data privacy compliance remains with each organization. To ensure transparency and effectiveness, GA4 offers a testing mode, allowing users to preview the redaction process in real time. Currently, this feature is tailored for web data streams.
We believe this feature will be a valuable tool to help balance data insights with user privacy. Read more about GA4 Data Redaction here. Happy analyzing!
If you are not tracking your email campaigns in GA4, you are missing out. Right now, the digital landscape is under attack.
Privacy regulations, changes in search, and the rise of AI. It’s getting harder to get traffic to your site and an extra traffic source, like email, may save the day.
Besides, “the money is in the list”. You too must have read that a zillion times. But are you sure your email marketing efforts are bringing in money? Let’s dive into GA4 and find out…
This video is one of the most popular ones this year. It’s a meaty 4.5-minute video on organic traffic in GA4.
Google’s definition of organic traffic consists of visitors that arrive on a website through unpaid search results, often from search engines like Google or Bing.
In GA4, you can find organic traffic data under the "acquisition overview." This will show where the traffic is coming from, such as Google Organic or Bing Organic.
By filtering for the medium "organic," users can understand which specific pages on their website are getting the most organic traffic. For example, blog posts might rank higher than the homepage for specific queries.
To see how to do this, click below:
That’s it for today. See you next week!
Hi I'm Jeff! I help marketers become well-rounded and indispensable by sharing free content on the 5 dimensions of data-driven marketing.
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